Joan White Volunteer Award
Volunteer Alexandria has just announced that our very own Brooke Curran will receive the Joan White Grassroots Volunteer Award.
Open the invite HERE .
Please come to The 11th Annual Evening in the Heart of Alexandria at Carlyle Club to honor Brook of the RunningBrooke Fund and Nina Tisara of Living Legends for their volunteer work in the Alexandria Community. Brooke has used her love of running to help needy Alexandria families. She does it because she believes that if you can, you should. (and boy, can she!!!) She doesn't do this to be recognized, but we hope she will stop running for this one night and enjoy this evening in her honor. It would be such a treat to see all her supporters there too.
Click HERE to go to Volunteer Alexandria's website and see more of what this wonderful organization does. People may think that it's easy to develop a volunteer organization, but it really isn't. Volunteer Alexandria helps these organizations become better at what they do. It gives them the critical support they need so they can become more effective at helping others. THANK YOU, Volunteer Alexandria, for all you do!!!
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